A Supreme piece of Art by Fem Sekunder

Over 30 FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions 

I know what you’re thinking. Another boring FAQ page. One where they only answer the questions that benefit the company. e.g. “How can I work with you?” and “why are you so so good?”
NO NO NO, We like to do things differently. This isn’t your typical FAQ page. This is the type of FAQ where we discuss the REAL concerns you have. You’ll be able to find answers to questions that you genuinely want to know. I hope it is helpful for you

Usually, our website packages range from £297 to £4997. Nevertheless, it really depends on what kind of website you are looking for. If you need a simple, custom website design, it will cost less than a larger and more complex site. You can find out more about what it costs for a website in our guide to website prices.

We spend a lot of time and effort planning and researching your website. And unlike many other agencies, we don’t use templates. With us, you get a customized website tailored specifically for the needs of your business. We can assist you in all aspects of building your website. A website from us is more than just a business expense. It’s a tool that will help you to increase your sales and create a unique online presence.

We’ve been asked this same question many times. It takes us a lot of time to research, plan, and then build your website. We’re typically less expensive than larger agencies for a few reasons.

  1. Since we work remotely, we don’t have to pay for water coolers or beanbag chairs. 
  2. Our team is small, and we only work with a limited number of clients per year. The owner, aka Martin, will be the one to answer your questions. We don’t have an account manager. This saves us money on staff. For this reason, we charge less than other agencies.

If you provide us with all the necessary information, we can build your website within 6-10 weeks. Learn more about our entire web design process here. 

The process of building a custom website from scratch takes time. When considering a real project with a real budget, you must consider the timeline of weeks or months. That’s normal. As a rule, the website will take longer if we are still waiting on your text and images.

Our philosophy is to build a successful website that truly benefits the owners of the site. And effective communication is the key to a successful website. We often have an initial phone call or Skype chat to discuss the project to start working together. Once the project is underway, we will mainly communicate via email. As a result, the process is greatly simplified, as all of the information will be saved and can be accessed later. After we’ve completed the project, we’ll schedule your 1-hour digital marketing training session.

It really depends on what type of website you want. During our discovery call, we can discuss this in more detail. Depending on the package you choose, there may be additional requirements: 

  • Images of you and your team
  • Images of your workplace
  • Content for the website, e.g., text, PDFs, etc
  • Staff Profiles
  • Any Videos you would like to add to the website
  • Login details to your existing website

You might already have some of this information on your existing website, in which case it can be transferred to your new website. Depending on what you need, our experts can offer you suggestions and help you get the job done.

There’s no need to worry. We guarantee 100% satisfaction. Our team will create a mockup of your homepage before building your new website. Our initial designs will be shown to you within ten days after designing a Photoshop layout. You have the opportunity to give us feedback, and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to move forward. You can easily make changes and add or remove things according to your wish. It will help you get the desired website you want for your business. And the best part is that it will cost you nothing.

Yes, we offer that option as well for customer fixability. We split the payment into two. When you have reviewed the mockup of your homepage, and you are happy to move forward, we typically take the first 50%. After 30 days, we take the second 50%.

No. The completion of some projects can take much longer than expected. Sometimes we need information from you in order to go forward. Implementing a new feature on the website takes time. Sometimes these delays can take months. For this reason, we always invoice our clients 30 days after the project begins.

The hosting is generally handled by us so that you do not have to do anything when we build your website. Our agency provides fast, secure, and reliable hosting for your website. We use the same hosting company for our own website and all our clients. Our agency managed all websites individually to ensure proper security. Each site we build comes with unlimited bandwidth, 20 GB of disk space, 2 GB of RAM, and 99.9% uptime. We have been working for a hosting company named Cloudaccess for 5 years. With our professional experts, you will get your desired website.

Yes, our experts can also do that for you. We have maintenance packages that suit your needs. We can discuss a package that suits your needs, which can range from 1 hour per month to 10 hours per month.

Yes. Our clients have the option of updating the website themselves. We’ll provide you with all the tools and training you need to edit your website. This will make it easy for you to make changes and maintain them. You can add, edit, and delete content yourself without having to pay us to do so. The platform we use is called WordPress, and it will be easy for you to manage your website.

Yes, it is possible. As part of our website design service, we will make sure that it matches your desired style and branding. When we design your website, we’ll build in all the features you want, including an email signup form. 

To implement an email marketing campaign, you will need a platform like Aweber, Mailchimp, Convert Kit. You should invest in a reliable and secure third-party service when collecting data from your customers. However, the services do charge a fee to set it up for you. For example, Aweber charges approximately $20.00 per month.

We use WordPress to build your website to make changes yourself without any coding knowledge. In addition, we will provide you with videos to demonstrate how it is used. It will help you to maintain your website easily and make small changes.

There is no limit to the number of pages you can have on your website. We usually design three-page layouts for you.

  •  A homepage 
  •  Blog page (inner page)
  •  Your about page

 If you want to add more pages, you can use whatever layout you want. Our experts can help you achieve a suitable look and style for your website. So if you don’t have any knowledge of design and website building, there will be no issue working with us.

Yes, we can help you write text (content) for your website. We offer different packages for web building. Therefore, it depends on what package you choose. If you would like, we can write the text for your website. Our in-house copywriter will create the best content for your website, so you don’t have to worry about that.

Before we begin, we’ll ask you a series of questions, then research your market and suggest a series of pages for your website. The goal is to create words that inspire people to contact you, so we’ll learn as much as we need to know. Our expert content writer has long experience writing in different niches. Your information and creative writing will help your website stand out from the others.

Our team designs your website from scratch using some tools. We use photoshop for the first stage of the design. After that, our expert builds your website using WordPress. It is a widely popular platform and fully secure. 

No. We only use WordPress for website development. Before, we used other platforms as well. The WordPress platform is easy to use, search engine friendly, and easy to integrate with third parties. Our clients can easily update their sites themselves. This is why it is an ideal platform to build your website. Whether you’re creating a blog, service page, or anything else, WordPress is the most popular and secure platform to use. This is why our team works on WordPress sites.

If you already have a website. That’s great. Our team can build your new website while your old one remains online. We can replace the old site with the new one when we are ready to go live, and you are satisfied with the new site. Within 10 minutes, your new website will be visible. Therefore, you won’t even notice a drop in traffic.

Most people nowadays browse the internet using mobile. This is why our team members always keep in mind to build mobile-friendly websites. Our websites are fully responsive and look great on all devices. There is no additional charge for this. It is included in the price.

Depends on the situation. As search engines’ requirements change constantly, there is no clear answer to this question. Our clients have gotten to the first page of search engines within 2 days of launching their websites. Other clients have had websites appear on the first page of Google after 2–3 months. It actually depends on so many factors. 

You may never be on the first page of Google for your main keywords. Some of your competitors may have huge budgets or have been there long. You should do strong SEO to be ranked on the first page of google.

No. Perhaps you don’t need a website if you have more customers than you can handle and don’t want any more. Having a website will allow you to expand your business, get more clients, and become the go-to person in your area. Additionally, it will help you to establish a brand online. A website is a good option for building trustworthiness and maintaining your clients’ loyalty. It can provide a boost to your sales and popularity.

No. Sites such as Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter aren’t like standard websites. It takes hundreds or thousands of hours just to launch this type of website. Furthermore, you’ll need a team of developers on hand 24 hours a day to ensure the website runs smoothly.

Yes. We will buy the images for your website. We buy professional images from stock image websites, such as Depositphotos, Shutterstock, and 123RF, so you don’t have to pay a photographer. This will help to give your website a unique look and save your money. 

Yes. Hosting is like renting space on the internet. You’ll need to buy hosting; otherwise, people won’t access your website. For your brand to provide quality service to the public, it is essential to have a good website hosting service. Several applications can be hosted, including systems, virtual stores, blogs, and websites using the hosting. Better performance and increased security are among the benefits of good hosting service.

Hosting usually costs less than £100 per year. Pricing depends on your requirements. As your website traffic increases, hosting prices rise as well. Our agency can help you to get the best hosting for your website.

We usually host your website for you if we build it for you. You do not need to do anything. The first year’s hosting fee is on us, and we will send you an invoice every year after that. You can host the website elsewhere and manage it yourself if you prefer. The choice is yours. We offer 100% customer satisfaction to our clients. 

Of course. You’re purchasing a website from us. We owe you one. If it is available for purchase, we will purchase it for you and cover the payment for the first year. Your hosting fees and renewal invoice will be mailed to you annually. We won’t let you down.

In any case, if the cost is more than the average of £10-£20, we will discuss it with you.

You will own the domain. If you want us to buy the domain, we can do that for you. But it will be registered in your name and address, and it will belong to you. Therefore, you have complete control over it. So you don’t need to worry about that. 

SEO is usually an ongoing commitment and will require continuous effort. There are different packages to choose from. However, we offer a package that will start you off on the right foot.

Our Digital Elite website plan includes basic on-page SEO for 10 pages. This means we’ll perform keyword research and optimize it for search engines. It will help you to rank high on the search engine. SEO is very important for your website if you want traffic to boost your sales.

The monthly cost of our SEO plans can vary dramatically, but it starts at £400+VAT per month. This is generally a starter plan for a local business with moderate competition.

Our other clients pay over £1000+VAT per month for our SEO services. This really depends on the amount of work required and the level of competition in your industry. With our expert help, you’ll find all the information you need to grow your business.

Using our reliable software, we monitor your rankings. Our daily updates will let us know what’s working and what isn’t. You’ll receive a monthly report showing your traffic and ranking. You Can check your Google Search Console for new keywords to see if your SEO strategy works. When you start seeing more keywords in GSC, you will understand how our SEO is working.

No. The only business owners we assist are those we can truly help. Our company is not the type of company that works with just anyone and everyone for profit. We must be the right fit for our clients. This is why we offer a free discovery session at the beginning of the process. It is our goal to meet the client’s needs completely. And this is why our professional team members work hard and track every little issue and problem while building your website. 

Our clients are primarily located outside of Manchester. We have clients and business owners across the country, including clients from the USA, Switzerland, Canada, and Australia. Having an online business model, we can work with any company anywhere globally.

No. We communicate with our clients via phone or Skype. Most of the time, we do not need to meet people face-to-face. Due to technology, we can accomplish so much in such a short period that face-to-face meetings aren’t necessary.

We are always happy to meet you in person if you really need us. If you want to meet our team members, we will discuss travel and accommodation costs according to the distance. 

Typically not. Social media is not a part of the web designing process. However, a social media presence is also important for any business. It helps you reach a wider audience. We are always looking for ways to make your life easier. We can arrange a package that suits your needs if you want us to set up a social media page for you.

Do you have a question we haven’t been able to answer?

If you have any questions you’d like us to answer that aren’t already covered, please ask us here. or call us on 0737407473

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